the ultimate procrastinator
I've got so many things on the "I wanna do but never get down to doing" list.
- Go for regular long distance jogs
- Go for regular swims
- Get a tan
- Slim Down <- shiat this is like taking forever, so many fluctuations that I am starting to feel like the Hang Seng Index.
- start saving up for my backpacking trip to Osaka, Japan
my food reviews blog <-- Yay! finally up.... go check it out...
become a getai singer, if even for once in my life <-- ahh something I managed to do recently, don't ask how/why/when. Just keeping my fingers crossed that the video will not appear on Facebook/Youtube.
A whole new other blog?
Some people have asked me to start another blog for my food reviews... I think I should do so...
Need to find time to do start one too... then i got 2 more reviews in my head I gotta put into writing too!!!
So many things to do... so little time.
Food Critic & Gourmet Extraordinaire?
I've a newfound passion - writing food reviews for restaurants!
Since i'm such a fervent foodie (a nice ring to it, huh) I thought I'd just put my tasting talents to good use and write reviews of restaurants and their food. I'm also somewhat of a Service Nazi (so much that I cannot stand bad service standards) so, why not put these merits (or character flaws) of mine to good use, and improve my writing skills while I'm at it?
While I've only written 2 reviews to date, I will certainly be writing more as time goes by. Hopefully this newfound passion will continue for as long as I can afford to eat at restaurants. =)
National Day 2008
This year's National Day Parade was a little different, probably because of the very impressive (or so I've heard) Opening Ceremony of Beijing's Olympics being held one day before that.
For those who had watched (and were impressed) by the grandeur of the Opening Ceremony, I bet they were yawning when it came to the Show segment of Singapore's National Day Parade. Even I was guilty of changing the channel when it reached the show segment, partly also because my favourite show "Japan Hour" was showing on Channelnewsasia.
This week's episode was
"Trip In Autumn Leaves By Train (Pt2)" . There were some breathtaking views of Japan's Autumn greenery (or "orange-ry") along the JR Tadami Line. They even showed one place called
Panorama-no-Yu, which stands for Panoramic Hot Spring, which, as its name suggests, offers a panoramic view of the beautiful surroundings while you enjoy your hot spring bath. They also featured the Ikaho Onsen in the Gunma Prefecture. The spring water here is pretty special: it is reddish-yellow because of the high iron content in the natural spring water, which is supposedly good for the human body.
All the more strengthens my resolve to save up more money to go on my backpacking trip to Japan, hopefully next year.