Wang Lee Hom...

Slept in this morning, cos this is the only morning of the week that I do not need to wake up so darn early... (mon - fri for work, sat for dragonboating)
Drove down to Bishan Junction 8 to get my new Wang Lee Hom's cd (改变自己) autographed.. got a shock of my life when I reached there... the queue was snakin' long and went all the way from the cinema exit all the way past the carpark entrance, turning down the corner to the traffic light area where Junction 8 was facing the bus interchange...
shiat... waited for about 2 hours before the crowd moved, and what happened next was a life-altering experience for me... squeezed with hordes of Lee Hom fans in front the open air stage... not to mention the crazy china gal next to me screaming her damn lungs off. Weather was damn hot to top it all off, and we had to squeeze and shove our way through the queue just to get our cds autographed by Lee Hom!
Luckily I had practiced the "pushing, shoving & squeezing-into-tiny-corners skills" while I went shopping in Thailand, so I managed to squirm and sidestep my way through the queue to get on stage to get my cd signed.
Phew! I'm never gonna do this again. Too old for that... And someone still had the "audacity" to ask me if I was gonna line up again to see Jay Chow beginning next year. Sheesh.
What an eventful day!!!
Today, I had to wake up early for my dragonboat practice...
Practice was quite fun cos we had a new rower, Eunice. Anyways after the practice, I drove to the Kallang Mcdonalds to have breakfast with Ye-min, Hon Mun, Wee Siong and Eunice.
After that, I drove to Shaw Towers to meet Weiming... we watched
Balls of Fury together... but it was a kinda crazy show with a virtually non-existent storyline. Plot sounded incredulous, coupled with the idiotic looking Dan Fogler acting as the lead and Christopher Walken acting as the weird baddie. The only saving grace was that, at least, Maggie Q looked pretty hot doing stunts in hot pants and short skirts.
After that, I went to AMK Hub for a walk, and waited till Ernest came around... after which we went down to Marina to eat at the 振发活海鲜. Somehow the food didn't taste as good and our appetites were not as good as it was when we were previously there... After dinner we also had a short LAN gaming session and I taught him how to play DOTA. We also drove to the prawn fishing farm in Marina to check out the place... but there were many people there.
Pooped out when i got home....
Whats wrong with today?!
Been seeing so many weird things since the morning today...
Traffic jams for no reason... Inconsiderate people trying to push into the train *BEFORE* the passengers alight.
The weirdest thing was that since this morning I have seen 3 people at different locations picking their noses like there was no tomorrow.
I mean, come on! Do that shit at home or in someplace no one else can see you! 'Nuff's been said about ugly Singaporeans and all but this just made the icing on the cake. Middle aged guy standing by the side of the road happily picking his nose while waiting for a taxi. Shudder to think where that finger's gonna be in contact with cos' I'm damn sure he ain't washing his hands anytime soon.