A Cool Autumn Day...
It was kinda cool last night, even to the point that I felt it more chilly than usual in this hot tropical climate in Singapore.
Honestly the weather's been pretty unpredictable these days. One time its hot as hell, the next day its pouring.. At least the weather now's pretty cool, much better than the past few months where I couldn't even cover myself with my comforter when I went to sleep... =(
Had classes again today... boring lecturer... zzz
Thank you Felicia~! =D
Wow, its been like, almost 2 months since my previous blog entry, and I can officially confirm that no one ever reads my blog... which is quite normal since I don't update it very frequently. Poor me. Its not like I'm Felicia Chin, or a Star blogger like Dawn Yeoh or anything. Oh yes, and I like Felicia alot... her bubbly personality never fails to cure my moody spells immediately....
Although I've never been much of a fan of local productions, but the time I saw Felicia act in the show
A Million Treasures, I've found myself chasing every episode just to see her. I even downloaded the final episode from Mobtv.sg to watch her looking happy again and again. Somehow she just brings joy into my life in ways I've never known before. In a weird way, cos I know I'd probably never find myself staring into her eyes in person to see if she's really that stunning as she is on tv.
Sorry you had to read all that, and yes, I know that was a very personal confession.
Anyways I've started a new mid-year resolution thingy to live my life to the fullest now. I'm in the midst of changing from a relak-jack, laid-back and lazy person to a 100% hot blooded Singaporean (kiasu and all), a hardworking student and also a diligent officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where I'm working at, in case you haven't met me for a long time or were living under a rock these past 2 years. I finally received the first
High Distinction I had ever scored in my life! I have never scored better than a "C" in my entire life (yes I know I'm not exactly the study type)... I ended up staring at the results screen for like... a solid 3 minutes in a state of shock...
Somehow that has given me the encouragement I needed to pick myself up from the severe bat patch that I had been going through the past 3-4 months... Work screwing up, more work piling on, failing my subjects, breaking up with my ex (been together 1.5 years) and a whole host of many other problems culminating into a very stressed and moody Jeremy.
Recently things have been slowly improving though (I don't think I will be suay all the way right?!) but was still feeling kinda moody today. TILL I chatted with wm on MSN today, and he gave me Felicia Chin's blog address...
Weird enough, reading the posts on Felicia Chin's blog really perked up my day cos she's always so happy and spunky, its infectious! (Well, at least for me.. =D)
Thank you, Felicia! You put a smile back on my face... =)

I just did up my hair today, decided to go with a more spunky and younger image cos... my previous hairdo made me look very "uncle". Put 3 colours in my hair too, some darker shades to cover my white hair (yes I'm almost an uncle liao) and some streaks of blonde to show that I'm still young! Nice or not? haha =P