Fishing Siao

Went fishing to a hidden spot in Kranji - Sungei Gedong Camp area, where there were no people around...
Rained heavily for a while, but stopped after that (Happy!) so proceeded through the ankle deep mud, lalang that was taller than me and also some water puddles to reach the best fishing spot that few people know of, to try catch the elusive Soon Hock fish.
But things didn't really go as expected, but at least I managed to catch my first fish, a luohan which belonged to the tilapia family...
Found out that this fish normally quite useless to fishermen, no point eating, so *splashhhh* back into the water...
Went back empty-handed, but a catch is still a catch nonetheless... I've come to realise it boils down to luck.
Drastic changes....
Well, seems that things didn't go as well as I had originally planned it to be, and now I'm a swingin' single bachelor again.
Not that she was a monster or anything, we just parted on good terms due to irreconciliable differences in our views and goals on this relationship.
To me, it may be God's way of telling me "I call the shots around here, not you". While I have always believed that to be true, it seems that I have always been thinking that I could change her for the better, and that she would see things in my point of view. Maybe I was wrong, and even if I did help give her a personality makeover, she would not be her anymore.
Now I spend my days indulging myself in new hobbies and old ones, namely fishing and Chinese orchestra. Not that I still play in an orchestra, but I think one of the best ways for me to get over this relationship is to actually sink myself into something that I have always loved for the past decade or so - Chinese Traditional Music. As far as new hobbies go, I have been mixing around alot with Ernest and Co, enough to convince me that I had found the right people to teach me something that I had always wanted to do but never got down to doing: Fishing!
Parted some cash to get my hands on the "ceasing production soon" Shakespeare brand of fishing rod, which incidentally was the last rod of its kind on sale in the shop. Which is why I saw it as a kind of "fate" btw me and that last of its kind rod.. haha! Well, after I bought the rod (for a considerable discount), I realised there were so much more other things to get, such as reels, leader lines, bait, hooks, floaters, sinkers, jiggers and what nots. And apparently good stuff never comes cheap when it comes to fishing.
Haven't landed any fish as yet, but have been doin abit of prawn fishing at the pond at Sin Ming Avenue... Live Barbecued Prawns, anyone?