Dead RIsing 2
This is one of the 3 PS3 game titles I bought during my trip back to SG last week - Dead Rising 2.

Just began playing not too long ago, and seems that this game - while pretty easy to navigate and all - requires some degree of exploration and trial and error before you can fully understand and enjoy the game.
Firstly, it doesn't have any sort of "tutorial" level that runs you through the basics of the game, and immediately throws you into the deep end of the pool expecting you to know exactly what to do.
Secondly, there is a minigame in the beginning sequence involving a motorcycle race to kill the most number of zombies, which a player could totally miss/skip with the simple press of the [X] button. Cutscenes are also easily cancelled and "forwarded' to the next part of the story with [X], albeit unintentionally for first timers.
There is one feature, however that attempts to redeem itself - if you somehow get killed in the course of the game, there is an option offered to you to restart the game but retain all the items, clothes and experience gained from the previous game, sans the quest items, of course.
Overall, the game seems to keep working a pretty simple concept to search, locate and rescue survivors, while (mostly) avoiding zombies and picking up / combining swell items to bring the world of pain to your regular undead critters roaming the world outside your zombie-free safehouse, and last but not least, try to keep your already-infected young daughter from turning into an undead, flesh and brain-eating zombie by regularly injecting her with an anti-zombifying drug aptly named "Zombrex".
For those who love brainless carnage, want a game that does not require thinking skills and possess good finger-eye coordination and agility, this is the game for you.
Stay tuned for more reviews on my other two PS3 titles - Star Wars: Force Unleashed 2 and Fifa 11!
Soon to come: New Content
Coming soon - a complete overhaul of this blog.
I haven't really blogged here in the past - i dunno - 3 years? Seems like a pretty long time for one who is online almost everyday but can't seem to make time to enter a proper blogpost.
Well, some updates:
As of yesterday, I am now a proud owner of a brand new Apple MacBook Air. I got the 13 inch version, with the 256GB memory. Seems like a pretty good deal I got from Epicenter in Wheelock Place (I went there to avoid the crowd in ION Orchard).
Here are the specs of my new MacBook Air:
- Mac OS X
- 1.86GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor with 6MB on-chip shared L2 cache
- 2GB of RAM
- 256GB of Memory
- NVIDIA GeForce 320M graphics processor with 256MB of DDR3 SDRAM shared with main memory
Size and weight
0.11-0.68 inch (0.3-1.7 cm)
12.8 inches (32.5 cm)
8.94 inches (22.7 cm)
2.9 pounds (1.32 kg)
Its ultra-slim and ultra-light! Decided to get it from a more reputable dealer such as Epicenter because they could offer an additional 2 years of
international warranty (AppleCare) at only S$309, packaged with goodies such as an additional 200GB external HDD, a Bluetooth Touch Mouse & a keyboard protector.
Go get it! Mac user or new to Mac? Doesn't matter, you're gonna like it all the same. =D
*Satisfaction guaranteed
- posted sitting around Changi Airport waiting for my flight back to Jakarta, Indonesia.
Labels: MacBook Air
Its been so long!
....since my last post.. anyways I've got my Fallout game (FINALLY!), thanks to a friend in NY who helped ship it over to me.. I bought the game online @ and got them to send it to my friend in NY...
So much has happened since then... went to Taiwan-HK-Macau for my usual year end trip and had a blast there.... Ended up getting my fix of taiwanese pastries like the
Tai Yang Bing and the
Feng Li Su, then the usual wonton noodles in HK (3 prawns in 1 wonton!!! Best I ever found in SG was at Crystal Jade - 2 prawns) and also who could ever forget the peanut candy and portugese tarts in Macau...
Will find time to make more detailed posts soon, so... we shall see.. =)
Waiting and waiting...
Seems like eternity till November 13th, when Fallout 3: PC Version will hit the shelves in sunny Singapore.
Seems like ages ago on the 28th of Oct that I had gone down to Funan to grab myself a copy of this much anticipated and highly rated game, only to be told the bad news that the pc version would be delayed till Nov 13. It felt like doctor was telling me that I was suffering from a terminal cancer or something. The news hit me like a sledgehammer or a Power Fist to the face(you'd know what I mean if you were a Fallout fan). Also sucks when you have a colleague telling you his gaming exploits EVERY SINGLE DAMN DAY just because he got the PS3 version of the game.
Anyway the game is rated M for Mature, which means u under-18 buggers can't play it. Grow up first! But I'm sure once you're old enough to play you'd come to understand that violence and gore are so part of the current trend of gaming genre.
Come to think of it, the delay may not be such a bad thing after all. At least the game will be released after my payday, which means EXTRA credits to purchase the game!!! And not feel so guilty!!! haha
Sigh. I guess after waiting 4 years for Fallout 3, one more week wouldn't hurt. But I know damn well its gonna feel like 1 more year to me.
Pan Pacific Serviced Suites
I spent the weekend at the Pan Pac Serviced Suites, situated at Somerset just behind the California Fitness building, which my friend managed to get for one night.
According to her, the normal rates to stay there are in excess of $9k a month.
The rooms are all designed with branded European appliances from the LCD Tv all the way to the bathroom sinks and bathtubs. Even the toiletries are branded... as you will be able to see from the pics I am putting up tonight.
High living at its best in the heart of town. Cool stuff!
Random Weirdness
Hey you guys, check this out... stumbled onto this weird thingy while I was shopping for my groceries in NTUC recently...

Didn't know spam was crazy tasty! Thought they just flooded your inboxes...

OMG this spam comes with a generous helping of cheese... =p

Haha for those wanting to add more flavour to their spam, try Garlic flavour!
Haha!! Forget about spam in your email inboxes, they come as canned food in your friendly neighbourhood supermarkets too?! And in different flavours!!!
F1 craze
Walked past a display of an F1 car at Raffles city last sunday... a few pics to show for it...

I could never, or at least I don't think I'd ever understand why people like F1 so much... its like just watching cars zooming by at 200 km/h for like a short 3 second thingy before they are gone around the corner...
What's so interesting about that? The sound of turbocharged cars? The carbon monoxide in the exhaust fumes giving an extra high? Or the racequeens? Seems like the latter is more possible.